ARU Peterborough is helping 300 of Britain’s small businesses think big by providing expert advice as part of a new enterprise programme. The new programme aims to supercharge some of Britain’s 5.3 million sole traders and micro businesses.
Launched and delivered by Small Business Britain, the country’s leading champion of small businesses, the new programme aims to supercharge some of Britain’s 5.3 million sole traders and micro businesses.
ARU Peterborough experts including Assistant Principal Dr Tom Williamson, Karl Ballard, who is responsible for ARU Peterborough’s BSc Accounting and Finance course, and Parminder Summon, Senior Lecturer on the BSc Business and Management course, are providing advice on small business strategy, covering businesses models, innovation and future opportunities, as well as financial planning and growth, and resilience and crisis management.
As well as expert guidance, the Small & Mighty Enterprise programme offers peer to peer support and mentoring over a six-week period. Each business on the programme also has access to a supportive network of small businesses to share questions, challenges and solutions, and receive guidance to create an action plan to support their next year of opportunity.