Cambridge Biomedical Campus celebrates 60 years with £2bn boost to UK economy.
A new economic impact report details the financial contributions of the Cambridge Biomedical Campus (CBC), which celebrates its 60th anniversary this autumn. The key findings of the report are:
- The campus supported an aggregate economic footprint of £2.2 billion worth of Gross Value Added to the UK economy and that as well as being the largest employment site in Cambridge, over 15,000 additional roles are supported across the regional supply chain and local businesses.
- For every 10 jobs directly generated by organisations on the CBC, a further 2.7 jobs are supported within Cambridge City and South Cambridgeshire; one in every six jobs in the local authority areas are either directly or indirectly supported by the campus.
- Employment on site is growing much faster than the rest of the UK and that £721m is spent by employees across the regional economy.
Read the full article here
Tags: Arc universities group, Economy, Employment, UK economy