An academic from the University of Bedfordshire has taken part in a visual campaign led by families of the victims of the Grenfell Tower disaster, to help publicise their demands for justice.
Noel Douglas, Course Leader for Graphic Design with the School of Arts & Creative Industries, has worked for the last three years with the campaign group Next of Kin, which is made up of those who lost loved ones in the Grenfell Tower fire back in 2017. Noel used his graphic design skills to produce videos and posters which were displayed across London on 14th June – the sixth anniversary of the tragedy.
Part of their campaign involved the takeover of advertising spaces in busy areas of London and having digital posters on bus stops around the capital. Some of the posters designed by Noel feature an augmented reality layer so when people see the posters using their phone and a linked app, they can view edited videos taken from the testimonies of various companies and officials whose decisions in part led to the tragedy.
Next of Kin are made up of around half of the families of those killed in the fire and formed their own group to help advocate for themselves and keep up the pressure on calls for those responsible for the fire to be charged with criminal offences.
Read more here.