Discover the contributions of the Arc Universities to achieving environmentally sustainable economic growth in the Arc.
The Oxford-Cambridge Arc is one of the most dynamic and innovative regions in the world. It has an astonishing record of accomplishment in terms of technology and innovation, contributing c. £110 billion in GVA to the UK economy.
The National Infrastructure Commission’s 2016 report projected that, by building on the Arc’s strengths in science, technology and innovation, it can become a powerhouse of knowledge-intensive industries. The Government’s 2020 budget confirmed that the Arc is a key economic priority and that it remains at the heart of its Industrial Strategy.
The region is home to 3.7 million people, generating more than 2 million jobs in the area. If present ambitions are fulfilled, by 2050 it will grow by a further 2 million people and at least 1 million new jobs.
The universities that make up the Arc Universities Group (AUG) are already major contributors to national and regional innovation, playing a role in all of the region’s innovation clusters.
Together the institutions have a combined turnover of £5 billion and contribute c. £13 billion to the UK economy each year. Attracting a collective research income of £2 billion per annum, they generate nearly 17% of all UK university spinout companies.
Looking at the capabilities across the universities, we have examined what is already being done to support environmental and sustainability goals. The study reveals an extraordinary breadth of capability in research, innovation, and engagement, with examples being selected from all of the universities. It has already led to improved collaboration between our universities, and this should continue.